Christopher Cantwell is a 36-year-old alt-right, neo-Nazi, homophobe who partook in last weekend’s white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Researchers study same-sex dolphin love.
In a series of recent tweets, Donald Trump proposed to ban transgender people from serving in the U.S. military.
Everyone knows the disturbing story of cannibal serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer.
Human rights group Freedom House calls China as the “worst abuser of Internet freedom” on the planet.
Her Majesty has spoken.
Have you ever wondered what Harry Potter would look nearly naked in your bedroom?
Human Rights Watch (HRW) has published a report on the unlawful rounding up of more than 100 Chechen men suspected of homosexuality.
According to several sources, Queen Elizabeth II summoned her entire royal staff for an emergency meeting at Buckingham Palace.
Starbucks just released a flavor-changing Unicorn Frappuccino, and it’s the drink of dreams.