The film is a messy, queer love story between policeman Tom (Styles), teacher Marion (Corrin), and museum curator Patrick (Dawson).
Harry Styles’ ice bath is giving us hot flashes.
Harry Styles has done it again with Late Night Talking music video!
Harry Styles paused his concert to deliver a powerful speech in response to the shooting at a Pride celebration in Oslo, Norway.
“You feel they could crush you. Or take you under. You just have to let it take hold of you.”
Styles will star alongside Emma Corrin and David Dawson in the saucy period drama coming to theaters this fall.
Is Harry Styles gay? The singer’s dating history and sexuality rumors.
Harry Styles told Howard Stern there won’t be any frontal nudity in his upcoming film.
The trailer is raunchy and disturbing, and darling, you should probably be worried. Very worried.
“It’s about not having to label everything, not having to clarify what boxes you’re checking.”