After an hour and a half of oral arguments, news outlets began reporting on what happened inside the Supreme Court.
Nick Jonas naked? See for yourself!
When Warner Bros. announced their plans to erect a sequel to Magic Mike, we knew the original would be a hard act to follow.
On November 4, 1979, 52 American diplomats and citizens were taken hostage at the US Embassy in Tehran.
Jaden Smith is fashionable. Jaden Smith wearing dresses is a fashion icon.
When Toronto police officer Luke Wilson decided to take a colorful stance against homophobia, he wanted to make an impact.
David Archuleta found himself at the mercy of angry fans after tweeting what seemed like support of anti-gay beliefs.
Why do gay men earn less than straight men?
Dalton Maldonado is a point guard on the Betsy Lane High School basketball team and a freshly out gay man.
A recent study found that 7 percent of U.S. millennials (aged 18-35) identify as LGBT.