The next actor to join the long list of hotties in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is Namor the Sub-Mariner, played by Mexican...
Queer representation in mainstream media is rare. But what if your favorite superheroes turned gay? Sometimes you have to create (or recreate)...
We live in a world that has gone into a superhero frenzy, and there are no signs of that changing any time...
While LGBTQ representation has always been apparent in comics, the same can’t be said about TV and movies. However, we see way...
Tatiana Maslany wore a white long-sleeved shirt that read “Support Trans Futures” during press interviews for her upcoming She-Hulk project.
Chris Hemsworth is apparently really good at hiding.
From the first trailer, fans have been eagerly searching for queer moments in Taika Waititi’s Thor: Love and Thunder. Is Thor gazing...
The bisexual actress tells all.
“You have to provide for the masses.”
Is Chris Evans Gay, Bi, Straight, Or Queer?