Although Lady Gaga‘s Oscar-worthy performance in Bradley Cooper’s A Star Is Born is every monster’s obsession, an even more iconic role may...
Whoopi Goldberg revealed that she’s back in the habit of making Sister Act movies!
On Monday, Disney released the official trailer for Mary Poppins Returns, and Emily Blunt is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
Jungle Cruise, the upcoming film starring Dwayne Johnson and Emily Blunt, will feature Disney’s first openly gay character.
Disney drops surprise teaser trailer for the live-action Dumbo remake.
Caissie Levy performs “Let It Go” from Frozen the Broadway Musical live for the first time.
Jirka Väätäinen just became our favorite artist. He showed what Disney Princes would look like in real life.
If you enjoyed the illustrations of Disney Princes in real life, you’re going to love them as underwear models.
Cheyenne Jackson will star as Hades in Disney’s Descendants 3.
If you fell in love with Disney’s rainbow Mikey ears, you’ll be totally twitterpated when you see their new Rainbow Mickey Collection.