Justin Bieber has had some sexy photo shoots, but most people say his Photoshop artists is heavy handed.
Can you imagine watching your favorite Disney movies and seeing a half-naked boy pop up on screen?
In case you missed it, the trailer for Stonewall dropped last week and a lot of folks are not happy.
Another gay Vampire Diaries kiss?
Author, feminist and scholar Jane Ward, believes straight white men often have encounters with other men and it’s not gay.
Are you familiar with Tooji? He’s an Iranian singer who’s ridiculously popular in Norway, where he lives. The Norwegian star recently came...
Unless you live under a dark, moist rock, you know that Tampa Bay Ray’s Chris Archer is extremely popular with fans. When...
With the help of some familiar faces and a few new additions to the Griswold family, the wildly anticipated Vacation franchise is...
When Warner Bros. announced their plans to erect a sequel to Magic Mike, we knew the original would be a hard act to follow.
What does being “influential” mean? In the world of gay men, being influential requires an exert of strong influence, but also a...