A new Pentagon memorandum has outlined conditions for transgender military service members to receive waivers, revealing that these waivers are contingent on...
A Pentagon memo issued on Wednesday (Feb. 26) mandates the identification and separation of transgender service members unless they qualify for an...
Andrés Hernandez opens up about gay Army life and beyond.
Apparently, a few closeted Russian soldiers shared intelligence information on Grindr.
The Spanish army’s uniform has Twitter in a frenzy.
A former British soldier reported Prince Harry defended him from homophobia.
Britain’s Royal Marines to march in London’s Pride for first time.
After 2 hours and 9 minutes, the Naval Academy freshmen topped the greased monument.
My Buddy: World War II Laid Bare exposes the truth behind male intimacy during World War II.
Conner Curnick, 22, is a Petty Officer Third Class in the U.S. Navy on assignment in Afghanistan.