
The Queer Kiss Marvel Cut From ‘Wakanda Forever’

Credit: Marvel

Ayo and Aneka shared more than just a forehead kiss in the original cut of Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. 

We know Black Panther: Wakanda Forever did not deliver on the queer representation we have been hoping for from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. But the full movie script reveals an extremely queer scene (and kiss!) that did not make it into the film.

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Audiences first learned about the queer characters in Wakanda Forever before the film’s November release. Actor Michaela Coel, who plays Dora Milaje warrior Aneka, told PA Media she was drawn to the role because of the queer storyline.

“For me, it was about why I took the role and what it meant to me to portray a queer character, being from Ghana, where there’s a lot of confusing LGBTQ+ laws going on,” she said. “My focus on that element was very singular… It was about what I represent in Ghana and putting my feet in the shoes of a queer character.”

Unfortunately, LGBTQ+ Marvel fans were saddened by the lousy representation, which did not go beyond a blink-and-you-miss-it forehead kiss.


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Deadline Drops Full Script For Wakanda Forever

Now, recent reports from Deadline show that the original script included a longer scene between Aneka and her partner Ayo. The two are at a house party at Aneka’s apartment. Ayo arrives to tell Aneka that the Elders are offering her restoration as a Dora soldier. Long story short, the two end the interaction with a passionate kiss.

ANEKA: The Elders? That is kind of them, something tells me I had a strong

(in Xhosa) I accept.
AYO: (in Xhosa) I know.

Aneka gives her a kiss on the cheek, Ayo kisses Aneka on the lips.

It’s disheartening to see Disney/Marvel removing a queer moment from a film, especially after the progress made in their recent Lightyear Pixar film and Disney’s Strange World, which features an openly gay main character.

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever is still playing in theaters and will arrive on Disney+ on February 1.

The Queer Kiss Marvel Cut From ‘Wakanda Forever’

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