Californians vote against Proposition 60, so bareback is here to stay.
Two weeks ago, Prince Harry used Facebook Live to broadcast his experience getting tested for HIV.
Meet Christopher Luke Moore; a 26-year-old athlete who is overcoming addiction after receiving an HIV diagnosis.
From 2005 to 2014, the number of HIV-negative gay and bisexual men who have unprotected sex grew from 29 percent to 41...
As with any anti-viral drug, the virus eventually overcomes the treatment.
Davey Wavey convinced Max Emerson to hop in bed and do the horizontal bop on video, which we still haven’t seen.
PrEPare to laugh your ass off with this amazing PrEP PSA.
During the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s, the American Foundation for Aids Research (amfAR) has been at the forefront for the fight...
According to researchers, there is a mystical “rectal microbicide” that can be used in conjunction with other prophylactics to help prevent HIV and...
According to a new study by FS Magazine, most gay and bisexual men didn’t use protection during their most recent encounter. More...