How a Wardrobe Malfunction Made Chris Jones Unforgettable at the NFL Combine It was one of those unforgettable moments the NFL Combine...
Australian footballer Josh Cavallo is making history (AGAIN) as the first gay footballer to judge the reality series.
NFL player Carl Nassib is raising money for the Trevor Project!
Regan Gascoigne: “I haven’t told my dad, but I don’t think he will mind.”
“I’m a talented football player, a damn good writer, a loving son, an overbearing brother, a caring friend, a loyal lover, and...
Cheerleaders Quinton Peron and Napoleon Jinnies slayed their Super Bowl routine and cemented their performance in the Big Game’s history.
Although there are no openly gay football players playing in the NFL, there are seven openly gay or bisexual athletes performing at...
Indiana State football player, Jake Bain, is once again speaking about his experience as an openly gay athlete — this time —...
Aaron Hernandez was gay — sources close the the former NFL star confirm.
Until today, we had no idea who Keanu Neal was, and we definitely didn’t know how good he looks sprinting in slow motion.