For the second time in three months, the name Spencer Stone is making headlines. In August, the 23-year-old American gained notoriety after...
If you didn’t know, Jud McMillin is the Indiana House Majority Leader and a sponsor of the state’s “religious freedom” law. He’s...
According to CBCNews, a homophobe beat a 21-year-old gay man with a beer bottle after calling him a slur. The young man,...
According to New York Daily News, a 40-year-old man verbally assaulted a Manhattan gay couple and they kicked his ass.
Rep. Louie Gohmert, a republican congressman gave a speech last week that called for the banishment of gay men, lesbians and bisexuals.
David Archuleta found himself at the mercy of angry fans after tweeting what seemed like support of anti-gay beliefs.