Whether you underwear or don’t wear, we have come a long way. Mode, a video curating website, is taking us back in...
This week, PAPER Magazine released a series of 22 intimate portraits cast exclusively with the app Grindr in New York.
Have you ever noticed your boyfriend’s libido isn’t what is used to be?
Countless gay men are obsessed with mermaids and mermen.
Is it possible that gay and bisexual men have their own “bro-code?”
With the increase and accessibility of online interactions happening today, we noticed guys are forgoing the flirt for a more, shall we...
Just because you’re not interested in someone doesn’t mean you need to be an ass.
Nick Jonas is known as a recording artist, but the 23-year-old pop sensation is ready to expand his empire into fashion.
Dating is no picnic in today’s hookup culture.
Your boyfriend is not your “friend.”