On Wednesday morning, Walt Disney Studios announced that the first trailer for Tim Burton’s live-action Dumbo would premiere during ABC’s broadcast of...
Jaden Smith claims he’s dating Tyler the Creator, and they’re boyfriends.
Stan Lee co-created Spider-Man, the X-Men, Iron Man, and many other iconic comic book characters.
The official trailer for POKÉMON Detective Pikachu is here and we’re so freaking excited.
Chris Pine is now streaming on Netflix in all his glory.
Dexter Star Michael C. Hall opened up about how his ‘fluidity’ affects the roles he plays.
“My my my, Troye Sivan needs to sit on my face, like right now tbh.”
Archie and Joaquin lock lips on Riverdale next week.
Last year, Timothée Chalamet‘s “peach scene” in Call Me By Your Name made theaters goers incredibly thirsty.
Panic! At The Disco amped up The Greatest Showman’s opening number even more.