When Toronto police officer Luke Wilson decided to take a colorful stance against homophobia, he wanted to make an impact. So, he died his hair perky pink, and looked to Twitter for Support. A fellow officer featured Wilson in a Tweet holding a sign that read #DayOfPink, #StopBullyingNow and #FHCIDayOfPink.
Hey #Twitter if This gets a 1000 RT’s @pc8430 will keep the hair 4 a week #DayofPink #stopbullyingnow @TorontoPolice pic.twitter.com/2TGhGykfXe
— Ryan Willmer (@RyanCP23) April 8, 2015
To be honest, Wilson could probably rock any hair color and still look like a badass, but he looks pretty in pink. After earning more than 3,000 retweets on Twitter, Wilson promised to keep the pink hair for an entire week, and to continue the fight against bullying.
Watson dyed his hair in celebration of International Day of Pink, which was created to “raise awareness to stop homophobia, transphobia, transmisogyny and all forms of bullying.” International Day of Pink was reportedly started by two straight teens in Nova Scotia who supported a gay student who was harassed while sporting a pink shirt.
According to New York Daily News, Watson appeared at a Day of Pink rally at a college in Toronto. He was accompanied by fellow police offers wearing pink t-shirts under their uniforms. The event inspired some of the police offers to share their own bullying experiences in hopes of ending abuse and homophobia.
H/T: New York Daily News