The Enigmatic Mummification of King Tutankhamun King Tutankhamun, known as the “Boy King,” has intrigued people for years. His tomb, found in...
The Mammoth Comeback: A Journey into De-Extinction Imagine a world where the woolly mammoth roams the Earth again. Sounds like a scene...
Researchers have joyfully reported a delightful sighting of two same-sex marine giants sharing a loving moment together off the coast of Hawaii!...
Same-sex sexual behavior is common to many species and evolved millions of years ago.
Teenagers aren’t the only ones who wake up wet.
I recently joined an online initiative called 500 Queer Scientists.
Peeing in the shower is sanitary and conserves water.
According to a recent poll from the National Sleep Foundation, only 12 percent of Americans sleep in their birthday suits. That’s a...
Beards. They’re a symbol of virility and grant the bewhiskered an undeniably wild mystique.
In zoos around the world, same-sex penguin couples often steal eggs from opposite-sex pairs.