David Archuleta, once the cherubic American Idol runner-up who charmed the nation with his boyish grin and soulful voice, is now delighting...
Hollywood was buzzing with excitement during the 2024 Queerties Awards, a night dedicated to celebrating the LGBTQ+ community and the allies who...
David Archuleta is talking about his size and teasing whether or not he’s a bottom in a new series of TikTok videos....
In response to a viral TikTok, David Archuleta is crushing those pesky rumors about a disastrous first date.
I’m sorry, but the old David can’t come to the phone right now. Why? Oh, ’cause he’s dead!
American Idol alum David Archuleta is showing off his 2023 gains, and we’re not complaining.
This time of year can be difficult if you’re LGBTQ+. Coming home to family, potentially to celebrate a religious holiday, puts many...
For many queer people, finding a balance between our faith and our sexuality is extremely difficult. Both are very real and important...
David Archuleta found himself at the mercy of angry fans after tweeting what seemed like support of anti-gay beliefs.