Move over, typical biopics—Better Man has arrived, and it’s taking everyone on an emotional rollercoaster. The film follows British pop icon Robbie...
Céline Dion lost all control of her muscles one year after she announced her stiff-person syndrome diagnosis. Legendary singer and LGBTQ+ icon...
Madonna was reportedly rushed to a New York City intensive care unit due to a “serious bacterial infection.”
Andreas Wijk came out to his parents with a song, and it’ll make you cry.
Shawn Mendes shows off his ripped abs and boyish smile in a new sustainable campaign with Tommy Hilfiger. But wait, what does...
Shawn Mendes said “new year, no hair.”
Sam Smith’s secret weapon: Brown bikini bottoms and a beautiful pool in the forest.
Is it just me, or is your entire TikTok feed filled with clips of Miley Cyrus and Fletcher performing together?
Legendary singer and LGBTQ+ icon Céline Dion opened up about her health and why she is postponing her upcoming tour.
Usher is aging like fine wine!