Sarah Ann Masse is a woman of many hyphens. She is a bisexual writer, filmmaker, comedian, actor, sexual violence survivor, and the...
NBC drama series Quantum Leap is bringing important transgender history stories to the forefront of mainstream media.
American Idol alum David Archuleta is showing off his 2023 gains, and we’re not complaining.
As you enter the new year, you may look to the sky for guidance. By this, we mean looking at your daily...
Warning: 9-1-1: Lone Star season four spoilers ahead.
Duuuuuude, Neil Patrick Harris is suiting up as Barney Stinson once more.
Based on the popular Naughty Dog video game by the same name, The Last of Us is an apocalyptic series with a...
Shangela started a spark in Koreatown for her fourth stop on her “Fully Lit” Tour.
TikToker Dylan Mulvaney posts a face reveal after undergoing facial feminization surgery.
“Don’t be ashamed of yourself. You can’t really decide how other people are going to handle it.”