Rising sensation Kit Connor, well-known and beloved for his role in the Netflix series Heartstopper, offers advice on navigating the challenges of...
The mini-series, which stars Matt Bomer and Jonathan Bailey, is a gay romance and political thriller set in McCarthy-era Washington.
The High School Musical season four cast opens up about LGBTQ+ representation and the end of an era! In a recent interview...
Is love finally in the air for our favorite ally, Imogen? Season two of Heartstopper is here and there is A LOT...
Though many outlets have previously commented on the Heartstopper star’s sexuality, Joe Locke is taking back the power and coming out.
Once again, Heartstopper enchants us with an iconic soundtrack, brimming with heartfelt and whimsical bops from diverse artists – and we can’t...
Former Bachelorette and Dancing With the Stars runner-up Gabby Windey is opening up about her current relationship status. “I’ve been keeping it...
Will Nick and Charlie be boyfriends even in adulthood? The Heartstopper cast is putting in their predictions. We are days away from...
The bisexual God has returned! It’s been a little over a year since Disney+ first released the Marvel original series dedicated to...
Snap your fingers if you’re ready for more Hunter Doohan (AKA Tyler Galpin) in Netflix’s thrilling series, Wednesday. (Snap, snap).