Are 'Sabrina' Stars Gavin Leatherwood and Luke Cook Dating?

Are ‘Sabrina’ Stars Gavin Leatherwood and Luke Cook Dating?


“Here’s a pic the morning after a night of vigorous lovemaking.”

Gavin Leatherwood, who plays Nicholas Scratch on Netflix‘s Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, wants to make it “abundantly clear” he’s dating his CAOS co-star Luke Cook.

Leatherwood took to Twitter to address the rumors. He shared a picture of him and Cook ‚ who plays the Dark Lord — lounging together on a sofa.

“Just to make it abundantly clear … [Luke Cook] and I are and have been dating for over a year now. Here’s a pic the morning after a night of vigorous lovemaking,” he wrote, followed by the hashtag “zaddy”.

Cook shared the same picture on Instagram but dismissed the rumors, declaring they’re “getting out of hand.”

Related | Gavin Leatherwood Hilariously Reacts to Super Thirsty Tweets

“These rumors are getting OUT OF HAND!” he wrote, dragging another CAOS co-star, Sam Corlett, into this oddly entertaining triad. “Someone photoshopped me into this post-coital picture of [Gavin Leatherwood] and [Sam Corlett], me and Gavin are NOT dating! ughhh.”

The Australian actor is engaged to Kara Wilson asserted the “post-coital” photo was of Leatherwood and Corlett and is just clever PhotoShop work.

Here’s how CAOS fans responded to the gaybait.

Are ‘Sabrina’ Stars Gavin Leatherwood and Luke Cook Dating?

23 Images Fusing Fashion, Erotica and Art by Rainbow Media

Photographer effortlessly blends the elegance of fashion, the rawness of erotica, and the expressive depth of art in this collection of images.

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