In celebration of World Pride, the steps have been transformed into a giant Pride flag.
As part of World Pride festivities, the FDR Four Freedoms Park has revealed it will transform its steps into one of the biggest rainbow flags in the world.
The rainbow steps were revealed on June 14 and will remain on display until the end of the month. The colorful steps are intended to commemorate the advancement of LGBTQ rights since the 1969 Stonewall protests, as well as the continuing battle for worldwide equality.
The park hosted the event in honor of the Four Freedoms Speech former president Franklin D. Roosevelt delivered on January 6, 1941. Those four freedoms are the freedom of speech and expression, freedom of worship, freedom from want, and freedom from fear.
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Earlier this month, the Trump administration forbade its embassies from flying the rainbow flag for Pride Month. The news comes from embassies based in Brazil, Germany, Israel and Latvia.
NBC reports that the refusals to fly the rainbow flags come from the State Department’s Undersecretary for Management, Brian Bulatao. The latest orders also rollback an Obama-era policy which allowed embassies to fly the rainbow flag.
Vice-President, Mike Pence supported the decision earlier this week, claiming it was the “right move” notwithstanding understanding that it failed members of the LGBTQ community.
“Well, look, as the president said on the night we were elected, we’re proud to be able to serve every American, and we both feel that way very passionately,” he said.
“But when it comes to the American flag pole in American embassies in capitals around the world, having the one American flag fly I think is the right decision, and we put no restrictions on displaying any other flags or any other displays at our embassies beyond that.”