The census will officially count same-sex couples for the first time ever – but that’s not enough.
The many faces of homosexuality in ancient Egypt.
Netflix’s revamp of the classic makeover show Queer Eye, originally called Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, has received rave reviews.
No, the award-winning film Inxeba isn’t a disrespectful gay sex romp.
Call Me By Your Name — and why love and friendship were better understood in premodern times.
Gus Kenworthy carries his pride on his shoulders.
The term ‘LGBTI’ confuses desire, behavior and identity — it’s time for a rethink.
In recent years, we have seen significant advances won for LGBT rights through hard-fought legal cases and well-targeted political campaigns.
LGBTQ2 apology is a good start, but it’s not enough.
New data shows sexual boundaries are changing – but what do we really know?