Your daily dose of self-isolation liberation.
“I figure life’s a gift and I don’t intend on wasting it.”
Never before have the words of Leonardo DiCaprio been quite so appropriate. In the midst of a world of people who are maintaining a distance of at least six feet from one another, it takes a certain level of creativity to bring us together.
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Necessity is the mother of ingenuity, and all over the world, we’re seeing how especially creative individuals are dealing with the loneliness and uncertainty of social distancing and quarantine. Enter Barcelona-based pianist and artist, Alberto Gestoso.
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Last week, Gestoso took to his keyboard and played a stirring rendition of Céline Dion‘s “My Heart Will Go On,” on his balcony for a scattered audience of neighbors and the handful of people on the street. The pianist’s boyfriend Roman Santana, posted a video of his performance earlier on Instagram and has so far amassed an incredible 2.2 million views.
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If that wasn’t already enough to appease your weary heart, one of Gestoso’s neighbors even joined in, harmonizing beautifully with his saxophone. His name is Alexander Lebron Torrent, and I commend his ability to play in sync with someone one floor up, and one apartment over. I would expect nothing less than this level of commitment for Dion’s iconic theme song.
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We simply couldn’t have asked for a more poignant moment to help us through these long days of physical distancing. If you need me, I’ll be leaning out my apartment window in the hopes that I might have my own musically-inclined neighbor.