Set to premiere globally on Netflix on June 18, 2024, “Outstanding: A Comedy Revolution” is the first feature-length documentary to delve into...
Wendy Williams, the queen of daytime TV, opens up like never before in her upcoming Lifetime documentary, Where Is Wendy Williams? Premiering on February...
The king of culinary on Netflix’s Queer Eye will bring celebrity guests on the show to help connect them with their rich...
Alicia Roth Weigel is a writer, speaker, and change agent, working to improve the landscape for marginalized populations in the South and...
A new docuseries from Discovery+ promises to reveal the deep, dark secrets of the Hammer family.
Mormon No More is a must-see LGBTQ documentary.
Although you tuned in for the bombshell exclusives, you’ll stay for Colton Underwood’s authentic quest for self-discovery.
Cut, or uncut: that is the question.
Light in the Water tells the emotional an inspiring story of LA’s gay swim team.
Alone in the Game documentary tackles homophobia in professional sports.