
Steve Grand Would Show His ‘Appropriately Sized’ Junk for $1 Million

Steve Grand hits the shower to promote the new “Steve Grand Pride Edition Tee” from Bassackwards Tees.

Well, for all his bravado, at least Steve Grand is realistic about the size of his sausage! The singer recently spoke to PrideSource about his latest endeavor, a YouTube video series where he talks frankly about celebrity, image, sex, etc.

It’s weird. For a long time there’s been a big disconnect between how much I could expect to be understood by people and how much I actually was understood by people. I had this unreasonable expectation that I was going to be understood by people and it took me a long time to get over that. I don’t make sense in any kind of headline, so I’ve kinda given up on that and I’m fine with it. The more you kind of give up and don’t care, the more people feel that and like that.

Related: Steve Grand Confidently Sports a Sexy Speedo

It’s ok, Steve, we like that you’re doing you. And speaking of doing you …

During the interview, Grand was also asked if he’d ever go full-frontal. And while he was pretty certain he wouldn’t, all hope isn’t lost:

If someone was like, “Here’s a million dollars,” I would be like, “Sure.”

Related: Steve Grand Posts Steamy Video on Instagram

But don’t get your hopes up too high, fellas. Steve is pretty clear that his man meat is nothing to write home about:

But, like, I don’t think my dick is that exciting. It’s just like, whatever. It’s pretty unremarkable. I think it’s good to be proud of what you have but I think there are more interesting things about me than my relatively… what’s the word I’m looking for? It’s very appropriately sized and shaped, that’s what I would say.

Hey, with a body and a voice like that, we think we’d be ok with it. You?

H/T: The Gaily Grind

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