Steve Grand comes out a lot because he’s what some gays call “straight acting.” Recently, Steve Grand went on a San Diego news show to promote a live appearance, and to discuss his time as a Marine. During the interview, the reporter referred to the “poor women” he dates, and Grand confidently corrected her. This is how it went down.
“It’s all the same really. It’s about the human experience and I think that’s what I really mostly stand for as an artist. And I think that it’s good that people hear me and they may not even realize that I’m singing about guys, and I think that is a testament to the fact that we do really all love the same, we lost the same, we feel heartache the same and that’s what it’s all about.”
After the interview aired, Grand uploaded a video to his Facebook page and added a quick and positive response.
“As soon as we cut the segment I burst out laughing and let the woman know it was all okay. I understand they are meeting new people every couple of minutes and are expected to entertain and engage audiences all over the state so I don’t post this at all as a criticism. If I was legit famous it would be one thing, but I still feel grateful for all the opportunities I am afforded to talk about my life and my work. This was just a silly moment I found to be pretty hilarious.”
Watch the video below!
Someone skipped over a possibly relevant bullet point… lol
Today I went on live TV in San Diego to promote the show…
Posted by Steve Grand on Saturday, September 12, 2015