Openly gay superhero Iceman is back!
Less than a year ago, Marvel canceled the Iceman comic series claiming it had “low sales.” But, the Disney-owned comic behemoth already opted to renew the series. The new issues will be written by Sina Grace, who coincidentally wrote Iceman’s last solo run.
Iceman’s last series ran from 2017-2018, and the openly gay superhero was really busy in that timeframe. Iceman, whose alter ego is Bobby Drake, came out to his parents — who were sadly not supportive — and had his first same-sex kiss.
When Iceman reappears, he’ll be working to discover the identity of a being who is murdering the Morlocks, mutants live in the sewers because they’re physical appearance disturbs non-mutants.
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In the first issue, Bishop, a mutant who absorbs and redirects energy, will also make an appearance. Grace also affirmed that Jubilee will make a cameo at the end of the primary issue.
In an interview with, Grace stated, “While he’s [Iceman] fine enough running a team, he knows it’s not where his strengths are best put to use.”
He continued: “He’s still sorting out how he fits in this world when he discovers that Morlocks are disappearing in the sewers. What he uncovers in the catacombs is far more terrifying than he could have imagined. From there? Things get really bad.”
Grace also stated that Iceman’s ex-girlfriend Shadowcat (aka Kitty Pryde) will be featured in the series, and their relationship will grow. “I think they’re gonna [be] fun to have next to each other given Bobby’s new context,” he said.
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“Exploring identity is a huge theme in this series, and Bishop’s a perfect character to have bounce off Bobby … not only ‘cuz he’s kind of more straight-laced than Iceman, but because he’s also this guy trying to establish himself in a world he’s not from.”
“That’s something Bobby can relate to after having to come out to every single human being in his life.”
Iceman will return to comic books on September 12.