In a whirlwind of surprise, Dan Benson, who previously played Zeke on Disney’s Wizards of Waverly Place, shared his bewilderment on TikTok...
The Instagram saga unfolds as Carl Nassib and Søren Dahl hit the ‘unfollow’ button, giving us all the deets on their social...
The Oscars, a dazzling beacon in the film world, annually celebrate cinematic excellence. Yet, at the 96th Academy Awards, a shadow was...
Get ready for a rollercoaster of suspense and deception with Netflix’s latest thriller, Ripley. This eight-part miniseries is stirring up excitement with...
During her lively SNL appearance last weekend, Renée Rapp playfully hinted at being lesbian in a humorous skit alongside host Jacob Elordi...
Young Royals, a gripping Swedish teen drama, takes us through the blossoming romance between Prince Wilhelm and his schoolmate Simon. The series ended its...
When it comes to trends that have taken the internet by storm, one of the most recent and unexpected is the viral...
A Bumpy Ride on the And Just Like That… Express Sara Ramirez’s Unexpected Departure Hold on to your hats, folks, for a...
Wizards, Wands, and Waverly: The Adventure Continues! Hold onto your broomsticks, because the enchanting world of the Russo family is coming back...
Apparently, Disney was not ready to accept some of the adult themes that would take place with a 30-year-old Lizzie McGuire. Disney...