
Panic! at the Disco’s Brendon Urie Comes Out as Pansexual

Brendon Urie Comes Out as Pansexual
Kevin Winter/Getty Images

Brendon Urie: “I’m definitely attracted to men.”

Panic! at the Disco frontman, Brendon Urie, defined his sexuality. In an interview with Paper magazine, Urie came out as pansexual.

“I guess you could qualify me as pansexual because I really don’t care. If a person is great, then a person is great […] I guess this is me coming out as pansexual.”

“I’m married to a woman and I’m very much in love with her, but I’m not opposed to a man because to me, I like a person. Yeah, I guess you could qualify me as pansexual because I really don’t care,” Urie, 31, told the magazine.

“If a person is great, then a person is great. I just like good people, if your heart’s in the right place. I’m definitely attracted to men. It’s just people that I am attracted to,” he added.

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In his Paper interview, Urie also opened up about being “stage gay” and “barsexual”, which are phrases some of his fans found offensive.

“Oh, yeah barsexual. People get offended by that. I’ve said things without thinking about it — not trying to be offensive. I need to apologize for that.”

He continued, “For our first headline tour I would go up to Ryan our guitar player, and like kiss him on the neck or kiss him on the mouth and he would be so mad. I was like, I just want to kiss you bro. I would hang out with friends and after five or six beers we’re just kind of like smooching on each other. People just get hammered and fool around.”

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The singer also described his first bar experience, which happened to be a gay bar.

“Actually my first bar was a gay bar, I got in underage technically. Ryan was 18 and I was 17 I think. We played a show somewhere in Texas. These two girls invited us out and she knew the bouncer so we just got in. I remember just being hit on all night and it was awesome,” he said. “I was getting drinks all night. These guys would just come up and I was like, ‘I’m flattered but I’m not interested but thank you.’ They were like, ‘We’ll get you interested sweetheart.’ I was just like, ‘This is dope’.”

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In a 2017 interview with PEOPLE, the alt-rocker opened up about his sexual fluidity. “It’s never been a weird thing,” he told PEOPLE. “It doesn’t freak me out. Why does it matter who I’m f—ing? I’ve gotten so many amazing letters and tweets from fans saying, ‘I didn’t have the courage to tell my parents, but I had you to fall back on.’ I want to create a support system … shed a light onto something that isn’t as big a deal as everyone’s making it out to be.”

Urie just released “Pray For the Wicked”, his incredible sixth studio album with Panic! at the Disco. “Pray For the Wicked” topped the Billboard 200 its first week of release. Panic! at the Disco is currently on tour through February 2019.

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