Tom Hardy

6 Celebrities Who Had Same-Gender Relationships

Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images

Love is complicated enough without the added complexity of identity.

Throughout a person’s life, their sexuality is fluid, and really, you love who you love. In the video below, we introduce six stars who, whether publicly or privately, had same-gender relationships at some point in their lives.

Some stars believe their same-sex affairs were a phase, while others admit to wanting to experiment. Others have come out and now identify as bisexual, pansexual or queer. For many celebrities, love is simply about connecting with a person, not necessarily one gender or another, and so they refuse to slap any kind of label on their feelings.

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From heartthrobs like Tom Hardy to quirky starlets like Drew Barrymore, the stars on this list have discussed, alluded to, or been identified by others as one half of a same-gender relationship. Whether they’re one night stands or lasting love affairs, get ready to celebrate celebrity fluidity.

Love is love, and you can’t put it in a box!

6 Celebrities Who Had Same-Gender Relationships

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