In the riveting thriller Leave the World Behind, an ensemble cast – led by Julia Roberts, Mahershala Ali, Ethan Hawke, and Myha’la...
Schitt’s Creek Dan Levy is gearing up to make his feature film directorial debut with Good Grief. Despite shedding its rom-com label,...
Queer Eye will return for an eighth season, but it will the last one for this member of the Fab Five. Since...
Get ready for an extraordinary cinematic journey as we dive headfirst into the life of Diana Nyad in Netflix’s new film NYAD. Directed...
Colman Domingo is bringing an out civil rights activist to life in Netflix’s latest biographical drama, Rustin. The Emmy Award-winning actor is...
Netflix is ready to remind you that their content is here and queer. In a new sizzle reel released for their “Keep...
An openly gay African American, Bayard Rustin played a pivotal role in the fight for racial equality, human rights, and worldwide democracy...
It’s time! Heartstopper season three is officially in production. Hi, Heartstopper fans! Can you believe it’s almost time to say “hi” to...
The Writers Guild of America (WGA) and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) have agreed to end the nearly five-month...
Finished binge-watching Heartstopper season two multiple times already? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! But now, as we anxiously await season three, here’s...