Young Royals, a gripping Swedish teen drama, takes us through the blossoming romance between Prince Wilhelm and his schoolmate Simon. The series ended its...
If this is Antoni Porowski’s official audition tape to be in a new reboot of Baywatch, our answer is yes. The charismatic...
Prepare for the dramatic conclusion as Netflix teases fans with first-look images from the highly anticipated final season of Young Royals. The...
Get ready to unleash your inner fabulousness because the next season of Queer Eye is just around the corner, and it’s promising...
In the heart of the bustling city, Good Grief unfolds as a poignant symphony of emotions, guided by the masterful hands of...
In an exclusive interview with Gayety, the stars of Rebel Moon—Ray Fisher, E. Duffy, and Cleopatra Coleman—share insights into the film’s groundbreaking...
Get ready for an exhilarating journey beyond the stars with Rebel Moon – Part One: A Child of Fire. This sci-fi spectacle,...
As the anticipation builds for the release of Rebel Moon – Part One: A Child of Fire on Netflix this December 22,...
In a dazzling display of color and pride, Netflix, alongside Most, its dedicated platform for LGBTQ+ storytelling, held a spectacular event titled...
The Justice League director said the film is “a lot more freaky” than the LucasFilm franchise and introduces a nonbinary character in...