Pokémon GO took the world by storm, and almost instantly became the most popular mobile game on the planet. The premise is simple; using your phone’s location to find hidden creatures called Pokémon, the game transforms gaymers into real-world Pokémon masters.
Needless to say, Pokémon GO has united people in unexpected and beautiful ways but now, it’s about to help single queer men find their match.
Project Fixup, a dating website focused on one-on-one meetups, created PokéDates to help us all find our special man who enjoys hunting for Pokémon in the middle of the night.
Here’s how it works: Members fill out a questionnaire to filter preferences. Then, PokéDates matches them with a partner based on their availability and responses. From there, it will select a convenient PokéGym or PokéStop to meet specifically to hunt together. In other words, it sets you up on a PokéDate.
Upon setting up your profile, the app apparently gives you options to search for specific sexualities — so it’s not only LGBTQ people. We’re going to have to share it with the rest of the world too — but hey, Pokémon GO is clearly for everyone.
A PokéDate seems like the perfect icebreaker to get to know someone. What do you think?
David Artavia is an actor/writer from New York City, and founder of The Real Gay Guy. He loves living vicariously through his friends. Follow him on Twitter and Like his Facebook page.