The first ever penis transplant in the U.S. happened this week at Massachusetts General Hospital, and it was ridiculously successful. In fact,...
For the first time ever, the United States has an out gay man, Eric Fanning, as Secretary of the Army.
We all have different types, but when push comes to shove, is there an absolute type all gay guys find attractive?
If you like hot guys and adoptable dogs, get ready to wet yourself.
I’ve seen some fierce Disney in my life, trust, but this one takes the cake.
I’ve seen some pretty bad cartoons in my day, but this one is probably at the top of the ticket.
Photographer Meg Bitton is causing a stir on Facebook, due to posting a picture of her young transgender client, Corey Maison.
Apparently, a dollar really will make you holla’, Honey Boo Boo child.
Probably the most annoying conservative group around, The American Family Association (AFA) is calling for a Target boycott after the company announced...
Last October, Arkansan Dylan Settles was kicked out of Woods Chapel General Baptist Church because he was gay.