You don’t need college loans or an expensive education to learn about holes.
In a new YouTube web series entitled #NoHomo, two straight friends pretend to be gay in an effort to meet girls. The...
Kentucky anti-gay clerk Kim Davis of Rowan County is about as homophobic as you can get. As you know, she refuses to...
Have you ever wondered how big is too big? Just ask the man with a giant thing, Roberto Esquivel Cabrera; he says says...
What happens when Ricky Martin takes on Donald Trump for attacking Latin people?
Jess Vill is one of the most beautiful male models on the planet.
Pietro Boselli is arguably the most beautiful math teacher on the planet. But, he’s also a very successful male model and brilliant...
Today, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints released a statement publicly embracing the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). Earlier this...
In a recent survey conducted by YouGov, researchers found that 49 percent of young men (18–24) in Britain say they’re not straight....