
65 More Illustrations That Celebrate the Big Boys

Instagram @daisukebear, @ryantheart

As SZA so beautifully put it, I need a big boy. If your appetite for beef is as insatiable as ours then we have quite the treat for you. We recently shared 55 illustrations celebrating bellies and bears, but we have so much more to show you. We’re back with a selection of even more illustrations that celebrate the cubs, the chubs, and the bears. All hail the big boys!

Every Part of You Is Beautiful

To all the big boys reading this, remember that your body is a good body. Your belly, your love handles, and your stretch mark are all beautiful and tell a story about your body. It can be hard to appreciate your body when so much media tells you to hate the fat body you are in. The pressure can sometimes be worse in the LGBTQ+ community. We’re here to tell you that fat is not an insult. It’s a body type as complex and beautiful as any. Keep scrolling to see some of our favorite illustrations of big boys, broken out by each artist.

Make sure to follow the artists listed here and support them in whatever way you can. Whether that’s through crowdfunding, commissions, or purchasing a print/merch in their stores, anything helps.

1. Your Pal, Jake (@mokajake)

2. Andrea Bottasso (@bottyto90)

3. Mieldeoso (@mieldeoso)

4. Ryan the Artist (@ryantheart)

5. Dante (@danteamoretto_)

6. Kuma (@sugar_bear2110)

7. Jason Lloyd Art (@jasonlloydart)

8. NomiDrawsBears (@nomidrawsbears)

9. Kuma (@kuma_do_artwork)

10. Łukasz Majcher (@lucas.majcher)

11. Thadeus (@hippypotter)

12. Daisuke (@daisukebear)

One More Time For The Big Boys

Have you followed these artists or supported their work? If you’ve made it this far now would be a great time to go back up and click through on their usernames and images to show your support. Art like this helps to normalize and appreciate all bodies and for that, we are eternally grateful. Give it up for the big boys!

65 More Illustrations That Celebrate the Big Boys

Real Couples. Total Strangers. On Display. Ashton Jay’s New Series Captures It All by Rainbow Media

Lovers tangled in passion, strangers caught in raw desire—these photos don’t just push boundaries, they erase them entirely.

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