Evan Peters

Is Evan Peters Taking a Break From Acting and ‘AHS’?

Craig Barritt / Getty Images

American Horror Story star Evan Peters could be taking a break from the series and acting.

Since 2011, Evan Peters has portrayed numerous characters on the acclaimed horror series, American Horror Story. His iconic performances include characters like Tate Langdon, Kit Walker, Kyle Spencer, Jimmy Darling, James Patrick March, Kai Anderson, and Jeff Pfister.

Peters also lends his acting talents to Ryan Murphy’s queer drama, Pose, and is also known for portraying Quicksilver in the X-Men film franchise.

Despite his incredible success in film and television, Peters plans to take a “sabbatical” to concentrate on other endeavors.

In a recent interview with GQ Style, the Emmy-nominated artist explained: “I’m going to take a break, regroup, decompress, get back in touch with what I feel like I want to do. Not that I didn’t want to do any of those roles — they’re exactly what I wanted to do. It was just zero to 100 instantaneously. I want to play music.”

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Last year, Peters said some of his AHS roles negatively affected his mental health.

“I’m goofy, I’m silly, I like to have fun. I don’t like to yell and scream,” he told GQ Style. “I actually hate it. I think it’s disgusting and really awful, and it’s been a challenge for me. [American] Horror Story sort of demanded that of me.”

He continued: “It’s been all a massive stretch for me and really difficult to do. It’s hurting my soul and Evan as a person.

“There’s this massive amount of rage that’s been called upon from me, and the emotional stuff that’s been called on me for Pose has been heartbreaking, and I’m sick. I don’t feel good.”

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Is Evan Peters Taking a Break From Acting and ‘AHS’?

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