
How Allyship Saved VINCINT From Quitting Music


VINCINT recalls a moment while attending a Catholic high school in which he almost threw in the towel on his music career

“I remember getting on stage at the talent show and singing and having an entire room of all the high school boys kind of boo me and look at me and make fun and call me names,” said VINCINT. “And there was a moment, there was a small moment on stage where I thought, ‘hmmm, this could break me. This is something that could stop me from doing anything else. This is what trauma is.'”

After looking out into the crowd of brutish boys, VINCINT spotted his theology teacher.

“And she gave me a thumbs up and she said, keep going. She literally looked me dead in the eyes from the side and said, ‘don’t stop.'”

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So he retook the stage and poured his soul into a cover of The Cheetah Girls’ “Cheetah Sisters.”

“I remember feeling like I could, I could never do this again, cause I never want to feel how they made me feel. And then I had to remember, they also feel a really, really big sense of loneliness. Or the confusion of not knowing exactly who they are, who they are, and how to love someone else and appreciate someone else’s beauty or gift.”


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It’s this mindset that has kept VINCINT going and led him to perform on the first season of the music competition, “The Four.” He has released seven successful singles and his first studio album “There Will Be Tears” debuted in early June.

“I wrote these songs when I was in a place where I needed to feel alive again, where I wanted to feel human again,” he says. “And I wanted to feel joy and nostalgia. I wanted to feel young again. And after the year that we had, I knew that I had to make an album that made me feel like me again.”

VINCINT’s 11-track album “There Will Be Tears” features collaborations with artists like “Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist” star Alex Newell and Canadian duo Tegan and Sara.

Watch the full interview with VINCINT below. This episode of Pride is brought to you by AT&T.


How Allyship Saved VINCINT From Quitting Music

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