Chris Evans as Captain America

Chris Evans Just Shut Down Boston’s Straight Pride Parade

Marvel Studios

Captain America himself just shut down the Boston Straight Pride Parade, and it was epic.

A trio of straight lads in Beantown is trying to start a Straight Pride Parade. Unsurprisingly, the Internet jumped at the opportunity to nip it in the bud. You know we love a fresh roast, so when Chris Evans chimed in, we were living for every syllable of his tweet.

“Wow! Cool initiative, fellas!!” tweeted actor Chris Evans. “Just a thought, instead of ‘Straight Pride’ parade, how about this: The ‘desperately trying to bury our own gay thoughts by being homophobic because no one taught us how to access our emotions as children’ parade? Whatta ya think? Too on the nose??”

Evans then applauded the views of James Bell, who wrote:

“It’s official. Boston is going to have a ‘Straight Pride Parade.’

I’m straight. I like being straight. A big reason why I like being straight is that I’ve never once experienced bigotry for my sexuality. I didn’t have to fight for my right to marry the person of my choosing. I didn’t have to concern myself with being beaten or killed because others didn’t accept who I wanted to sleep with. I didn’t have to stay closeted out of fear or worry about the reaction of my family, friends, or colleagues by coming out.

I never got called a slur for being straight. No one told me I’m going to burn in hell for being straight. There aren’t any programs where I could be sent to be tortured into no longer being straight. There aren’t any countries where you can be put to death simply for being straight.

There is nothing I ever had to fight for, or struggle against because I’m straight. And therefore, there isn’t any reason to take pride in it. Grateful for the privileges I get? Sure. But pride? I don’t see it.

What I do see is that this parade is misnamed. It’s not a ‘Straight Pride Parade.” It should be called an ‘I’m a homophobic piece of shit’ parade.”

Evans quote tweeted Fell’s analysis accompanied by his:

“Wow, the number gay/straight pride parade false equivalencies are disappointing. For those who don’t understand the difference, see below. Instead of going immediately to anger (which is actually just fear of what you don’t understand) take a moment to search for empathy and growth.”

And, after he voiced his opinion, other celebrities joined the conversation. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the Smash Mouth also shared their thoughts:

Chris Evans Just Shut Down Boston’s Straight Pride Parade

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