
Charlie Hunnam Wanted to Play Christian Grey

In a recent interview, we learned Charlie Hunnam wanted to play Christian Grey and was heartbroken when he gave up the role. Hunnam says, “it was the worst professional experience of my life. It was the most emotionally destructive and difficult thing that I’ve ever had to deal with professionally. It was heartbreaking.”

We would have loved to see Hunnam in the lead role of Fifty Shades of Grey, because he looks amazing shirtless and we can only imagine how perfect he looks wearing even less clothing. He’d definitely be one of the hottest male celebs to go full frontal. Hunnam had committed himself to another film, Crimson Peak, and couldn’t back out of that project.

Hunnam described the experience: “I’d given Guillermo my word, over a year before, that I was going to do this film. People were saying, ‘Are you crazy? Guillermo still has got four months to recast, it’s the fourth lead, you can go and do this [instead].’ I said, ‘I can’t. He’s my friend, I’ve done a film with him, I gave him my word.’ I’m pretty mercurial and a very difficult, long-winded decision-maker at the best of times. It was deeply unpleasant and challenging emotionally. I really, really pride myself on being a professional and a man of keeping my word. It means a lot to me, truly.”

While we would love to see Hunnam in another dominating role, we can still feast our eyes on his Instagram.

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