5. He’s cultured
Let’s face it, people from Europe are cultured by nature. With so many countries surrounding them, 95 percent of them are likely to speak a second or third language. Not to mention, they soak in their history, food and various ideas, which makes them great debaters.
Most of them know what’s actually happening in the world, mainly because they don’t have Fox News and other cable networks that twist the truth on a daily basis. America is big, but the truth of the matter is we’re so far off from the rest of the world we might as well be living in a bunker.
6. He’s open to experimenting with commitment
I’m not saying all foreigners want open relationships or sexual experimentation, but in Italy especially, it’s not uncommon to have both a partner and a man on the side. Each country and culture is different: Sometimes relationships are sacred, but other times sex is pastime and meaningless, except when it matters.
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Have you seen these commercials from Norway and the Netherlands? They’re more daring than any HBO show we have here. But be careful, the last thing you want to get involved with is a jealous Spaniard — it ain’t pretty.
7. You’ll never stop learning
People from old countries have a lot to teach us, both about ourselves and about modern society. Greeks, Italians, Spaniards and other foreign cultures are rooted in history — a history they try their hardest to keep.
It’s been hard to maintain a bit of their cultural traditions in the age of social media, but they have. It means something to them, and much of it has to do with its philosophies on love, self, family and ego. We can learn a lot from them. Imagine the late night pillow talks.
8. Enthusiasm is everything
I once dated a guy from Serbia, a nation that doesn’t exactly make their LGBT citizens feel welcome. Everything was new to him. He had a zest about the smallest of things we typically take for granted, like technology, delivery.com and subways that go straight to the beach.
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We as Americans have become unsatisfied with everything because we want more, more and more. But most of the foreigners I know enjoy the journey, rather than the outcome, which makes the whole experience even better. They’re adventurous and live on spontaneity, and they don’t know how to make work replace friendships. This is a quality every boyfriend ought to have.
9. A comfortable place to stay abroad
Let’s talk here. How many of us can say we have a free place to stay in Iceland, Amsterdam, Paris, Madrid or Rio? Not a lot. The fact that his family is there means a lot of traveling should you guys get serious. Once you’re there, you can take the train to pretty much anywhere else. Forget AirBnB, you got your man’s family to house (and feed) you!
David Artavia is an actor and writer from New York City. He loves living vicariously through his friends. Follow him on Twitter and Like his Facebook page.