In a recent interview, Angel Laketa Moore, widely known as That Chick Angel, shed light on the captivating story behind the summer...
The High School Musical season four cast opens up about LGBTQ+ representation and the end of an era! In a recent interview...
Leigh-Anne Pinnock opens up about her solo journey, empowering music, and the overwhelming support she received, as she steps into a whole...
The Pink Ladies are back in the prequel series Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies, coming to Paramount+.
Attention Grishaverse! Season two of Shadow and Bone is here and we have the inside scoop from the cast and creators.
Sarah Ann Masse is a woman of many hyphens. She is a bisexual writer, filmmaker, comedian, actor, sexual violence survivor, and the...
“Don’t be ashamed of yourself. You can’t really decide how other people are going to handle it.”
“The chemistry between them is undeniable,” Margot Robbie said about her character Nellie and the sultry Lady Fay Zhu.
TV journalist Michael Ausiello never imagined his memoir would evolve into a theater-released film directed by Michael Showalter (The Big Sick).
“I feel like people want to see powerful women with powerful women,” Jenna Ortega tells Gayety about her character in the new...