Not all companies are created equally, and that’s because not all companies believe in equality. Can you name the most LGBT-friendly company to work for? Survey says …
The Human Rights Campaign conducts an annual review which rate companies on the treatment of their LGBT employees and according to their Corporate Equality Index, Automobile manufacturer, Tesla, took home top honors after being named the one of the most LGBT-inclusive company to work for.
The research reports on more than 800 brands, spanning nearly every industry, and according to HRC’s official website more 400 received a top rating.
The index utilizes the companies “inclusive policies, practices, and benefits” for their gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender employees to help assess how the business rates. While this review evaluates a variety of conditions, there is one underlying requirement to receive a 100 percent — the business must maintain an anti-discriminatory policy to be part of the index.
The source material states the employer must, “Have sexual orientation and gender identity non-discrimination protections explicitly included in all of its operations, both within the U.S. and global operations.” As well as, “Require U.S. contractors to abide by companies’ existing inclusive non-discrimination policy.” Finally, the company must “Implement internal requirements prohibiting U.S. company/law firm philanthropic giving to nonreligious organizations that have a written policy of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.”
So what set Tesla apart?
According to documentation, Tesla offers health insurance to domestic partners and transgender-inclusive health coverage as well as “Positively engages the external LGBT community,” among other pro-LGBT initiatives.
You can review the criteria and point system by clicking here.
That’s not all; the company didn’t only receive highest honors with HRC, Tesla topped other business’ as one of the best LGBT-perceived brands according to the YouGov BrandIndex survey.
Ted Marzilli, YouGov BrandIndex CEO said, “It’s impressive to see Tesla take the top spot so quickly and by no small lead. Like the others on this list, they are a company where action speaks louder than words, from high-ranking LGBT hires to active participation in pride parades. In a year when anti-gay and transgender state legislation became a hot-button topic, it really brought into focus what these companies stand for.”
Tesla has been able to leverage their LGBT consumer by catering to the wants and needs of their LGBT employees through internal policies and external interactions that reflect the company standards.
To learn more about the YouGov BrandIndex rating requirements, click here.
We want to thank Tesla for making such tremendous efforts to ensure equality for their LGBT employees as well as their gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender consumers.
With more than $884 billion in buying power, the LGBT community isn’t one to ignore.