
“Love, Victor” Star George Sear Dishes on Season Two


If you’re like us and you are counting down the days until the season two premiere of Love, Victor on Hulu, we got your back!

We sat down with George Sear who plays Benji on the show. Benji is a barista, a lead singer in a band, and arguably the hottest guy at Creekwood High (Lake’s words, not ours).

Sear shared what Love, Victor means to the LGBTIA+ community, what it was like working with the cast and how many hours of barista training it took to perfect his latte art.

“They do go through their ups and downs like every couple,” Sear said of Benji and Victor’s new relationship. “They start off in their honeymoon period or this like summer bubble, which was also really nice to see the characters go through that because that’s one of the joys of being in a relationship. But then when high school starts again Victor has to deal with the difficult reality of coming out and navigating that journey.”

Love, Victor season two premieres on Hulu on June 11.

Check out the full interview below.

“Love, Victor” Star George Sear Dishes on Season Two

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