The openly gay figure skater is not happy with the Olympic condom selection.
As you know, the Olympic Village is a great place to hook up with the world’s finest athletes (if you happen to be one of the world’s finest athletes). This year, the Olympic Village stocked more than 110,000 condoms, but despite the surplus of prophylactics, some competitors aren’t satisfied.
In fact, a few champions are utterly outraged. Openly gay U.S. figure skater Adam Rippon took to Instagram to vent his frustrations and express his disappointment.
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“Like, I’m not entirely sure what I was expecting. I thought maybe they’d have like Olympic rings on them or they’d be all different colors, but, no. It’s all a myth,” Rippon said. “And I’m not, like, upset … I’m disappointed.”
Regardless of the condom situation, the 28-year-old figure skater, who refused an invitation to meet Vice President Mike Pence, will push on. “It’s alright. Life isn’t always what it seems, and sometimes the condoms are just generic. And sometimes they’re not only just generic; sometimes they’re only available at the polyclinic outside the gym. And that’s ok.”
Since arriving at the Olympic Village, Rippon kissed freeskier Gus Kenworthy at the Opening Ceremony. So, there’s that.