This artist reimagined your favorite female super heroes as muscly men.
Queer comic book fans often gravitate towards heroines and female super-villains from their favorite superhero franchises. It’s evident in the gaming community; many queer male gamers prefer to play as female characters. And one artist is reimagining these characters from a new, gay male gaze.
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A Tumblr user by the name of ZachArt has designed a gallery of tantalizing drawings featuring famous comic book ladies reincarnated as men. He creates the characters as muscular studs in pin-up style art, and the results are titillating, to say the least. The heroines and villains in his collection include Storm, Catwoman, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, Wonder Woman and Jubilee among others.
For more art from ZachArt, head to his Tumblr, and scroll down for our favorite super ladies reimagined.