In the thrilling world of TV drama, 9-1-1 has taken a giant leap forward and introduced a queer storyline for one of...
Amidst swirling rumors and fan speculations following Bobby Berk’s departure from Queer Eye, new member Jeremiah Brent is here to clear the...
Get ready to unravel mysteries with the afterlife’s finest in Netflix’s new show, Dead Boy Detectives. Premiering on April 25th, this series...
Influencer Dylan Mulvaney has a dream as bold and bright as Elle Woods’ signature pink wardrobe. At the South by Southwest Film...
Two Decades Together: A Look at Neil and David’s Journey Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka just hit a significant milestone: 20...
RuPaul’s Drag Race’s only two-time champ and soon-to-be Doctor Who sensation, Jinkx Monsoon, just spilled some exciting news! She’s chosen a new...
Lizzo faces flak from ex-dancers over mysterious “I quit” Instagram post. Lizzo, known as a beacon of empowerment and self-love, climbs the...
“People can wait till they’re ready or wait till they’re a bit more mature.” Rebel Wilson is super excited about her new...
“Can I say that Nick’s fans are so horny, they are so horny.” The series Mary & George has taken the entertainment...
Beyoncé and Miley Cyrus: A Match Made in Music Heaven Hold your horses, music lovers! The collaboration we’ve all been waiting for...