Netflix has just announced its much-anticipated 2025 film slate, promising an exciting year of content that spans across multiple genres, star-studded performances, and high-profile directorial projects. In its latest “Next on Netflix” presentation, which included appearances from Tina Fey, Ben Affleck, John Mulaney, and the Duffer Brothers, the streaming giant unveiled a robust lineup of films that will hit the platform in 2025. From heartwarming comedies to gripping documentaries and thrilling sequels, Netflix is preparing to captivate global audiences throughout the year.
Following a strong 2024, which saw critical successes such as “Emilia Pérez”—which nabbed 13 Academy Award nominations—Netflix is gearing up to deliver a year of diverse and compelling films. According to film chief Dan Lin, the pressure is on to continue the momentum with a mix of high-profile original films and returning fan-favorite franchises.
Major Films, TV Series, and Star-Studded Releases
One of the most buzzed-about titles in Netflix’s 2025 slate is Guillermo del Toro’s highly anticipated “Frankenstein,” slated for a November release. This gothic retelling will star Oscar Isaac as the mad scientist Victor Frankenstein, while Jacob Elordi will portray the iconic monster. The film promises to be a visually stunning and emotionally charged reimagining of Mary Shelley’s classic, with Mia Goth and Christoph Waltz rounding out the impressive cast.
The series “You” starring Penn Badgley has also dropped its trailer for the highly anticipated season 5.
Also generating a lot of attention is “Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out Mystery,” a continuation of Rian Johnson’s wildly popular “Knives Out” franchise. Daniel Craig returns as the brilliant detective Benoit Blanc in the third installment of the series, which will feature an ensemble cast including Josh O’Connor, Glenn Close, and Jeremy Renner. Fans of the first two films can expect another thrilling whodunit with plenty of twists and turns.
George Clooney fans will also get their fix with “Jay Kelly,” a comedy from Noah Baumbach, which stars Clooney in a leading role. The film will also feature an all-star cast including Adam Sandler, Laura Dern, and Greta Gerwig, ensuring a starry lineup for this intriguing comedy.
Notable Documentaries
In addition to its blockbuster films, Netflix is also set to release a slate of compelling documentaries. Among the most anticipated is a film about legendary comedian Eddie Murphy, offering an in-depth look at his career and influence on comedy and pop culture. Other documentaries include a deep dive into the Manson murders, a chronicle of the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, and a gripping account of Osama Bin Laden’s capture.
Additionally, viewers will get an inside look at the Air Force’s elite Thunderbirds squadron and a documentary about the Long Island serial killer. Netflix will also explore environmental issues with a film about endangered pangolins and a chilling examination of the Titan submersible disaster.
Highlights of Netflix’s 2025 Film Schedule
Winter 2025:
- “Kinda Pregnant” (Feb. 5): Amy Schumer stars in this romantic comedy about a woman who wears a fake pregnancy belly and ends up meeting the man of her dreams. The film also features Jillian Bell and Damon Wayans Jr.
- “The Witcher: Sirens of the Deep” (Feb. 11): This animated fantasy series expands Netflix’s “The Witcher” universe. Geralt of Rivia faces a new threat as he’s pulled into a conflict between humans and merpeople, setting the stage for an epic battle to avoid war.
- “La Dolce Villa” (Feb. 13): Scott Foley stars in this romantic comedy about a businessman who travels to Italy to stop his daughter from restoring a crumbling villa—only to discover romance and magic in the process.
Spring 2025:
- “Plankton: The Movie” (March 7): The latest installment in the “SpongeBob SquarePants” universe, focusing on Plankton’s thwarted plans for world domination.
- “The Electric State” (March 14): A sci-fi thriller starring Millie Bobby Brown and Chris Pratt, set in an alternate 1990s following a robot uprising. The film follows a teenager and her robot companion as they embark on a journey to find her brother.
- “The Life List” (March 28): A heartwarming romance starring Sofia Carson and Connie Britton, following a woman’s journey to complete her childhood bucket list, discovering romance and family secrets along the way.
Summer 2025:
- “The Old Guard 2” (July 2): Fans of the first movie will be thrilled to see Charlize Theron return as Andy, the immortal mercenary, facing a new enemy in this highly anticipated sequel.
- “Fear Street: Prom Queen” (Summer 2025): The latest installment in the “Fear Street” franchise, set during prom season at Shadyside High. A mysterious series of disappearances turns a prom night into a deadly nightmare.
Fall 2025:
- “Frankenstein” (November 2025): Guillermo del Toro’s take on the iconic monster story, starring Oscar Isaac and Jacob Elordi.
- “RIP” (Fall 2025): Ben Affleck and Matt Damon team up in this intense thriller about Miami cops discovering millions of dollars in a drug stash house, leading to fractured trust and a web of corruption.
Matt Damon and Ben Affleck for “Rip”
- “The Woman in Cabin 10” (Fall 2025): Keira Knightley stars in this adaptation of Ruth Ware’s thriller, where a journalist witnesses a murder at sea but no one believes her, sparking a dangerous investigation.
Animated Features and Special Projects
In addition to the live-action films, Netflix is also launching several highly anticipated animated features in 2025. Highlights include “K-Pop: Demon Hunters,” which follows a K-pop girl group leading double lives as demon hunters, and “In Your Dreams,” a whimsical adventure about two siblings navigating their dream world. Animated rom-coms like “Lost in Starlight” and “Pookoo” will also appeal to audiences seeking unique storytelling in the animated space.

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