Jacques Audiard’s Emilia Pérez isn’t your typical crime drama. This fever-dream musical, packed with vibrant visuals and audacious storytelling, follows the journey...
In The Housekeeper, a romance unfolds in the shadowed halls of Manderville Hall, bringing a stirring story of love, secrecy, and self-discovery...
Halloween season is here, and you know what that means—spooky movies, horror marathons, and plenty of queer thrills! Horror has always had...
Paul Mescal, one of Hollywood’s hottest rising stars, has captured the hearts of fans with his unforgettable performances. From his breakout role...
Andrew Scott, best known for his standout roles in All of Us Strangers, Ripley, and Spectre, is now taking the fashion world...
Little Monsters, rejoice! Lady Gaga has officially announced her highly anticipated album Harlequin, set to debut alongside the movie Joker: Folie à...
Hold onto your broomsticks! Wicked: Part Two is set to fly into theaters on November 21, 2025, and fans are buzzing with...
Disney Pixar’s Inside Out 2 is stirring up controversy, not just because of the lovable characters or the emotional rollercoaster of a...
Jazmin and Olivia’s Adventure to Uncover the Truth Behind an Iconic Typing Teacher If you learned to type on a computer, chances...
Alana McLaughlin Fights for Her Place in the Ring in Unfightable Get ready for a powerful new documentary that dives into the...