
Awesome Dad Let’s His Son Go as Elsa for Halloween

Kids will be kids, and this dad knows and accepts it. Paul Henson recently took his son, Caiden, shopping for his Halloween costume and it didn’t take long for the young man to decide exactly who he wanted to be — Queen Elsa from Frozen, who else?

That’s not all, he wants his father to go as Princess Anna!

Paul Let It Go and let you know exactly what he thought of his son’s choice when he posted this caption on his Instagram photo.

“Anyone that knows us, knows we generally let Caiden make his own choices, to an extent. Well, he has decided on a Halloween costume. He wants to be Elsa. He also wants me to be Anna. Game on. Keep your masculine bullshit and slutty kids costumes; Halloween is about children pretending to be their favorite characters. Just so happens, this week his is a princess.”

Well, we know a couple guys in the office who would be willing to join you as Disney Princesses this Halloween — just let us know!

Boy Dressed as Elsa

23 Images Fusing Fashion, Erotica and Art by Rainbow Media

Photographer effortlessly blends the elegance of fashion, the rawness of erotica, and the expressive depth of art in this collection of images.

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